
Salinger Just Said What?

I've started to read The Catcher in the Rye. I was expecting this nice, heart-warming classic tale, like Little Woman. I open it up. The main character tells me I'm a phony and he's not telling me any crap. Then he tells me about times he almost lost his virginity 4 times, and all about how he's over-sexed. And did I mention he's 14? This is officially the weirdest book ever. I always show little snippets to Julia, since she sits behind me. We were laughing so hard at one line we almost got demerits. Today in religion I got asked how I would spread the Good News. I said I would reform the Catholic Church into a church where only the teachings of Jesus were focused on, and politics weren't discussed. She actually said I had a good answer! Maybe Religion won't piss me off so much this year. Our book isn't that bad, except with the Euthanasia thing. I just had a bad flashback of my report on Archbishop Timothy Dolan. *Shudder* Today was shocking. One of my very-conservative friends, Katherine, told me she had become a moderate. We always had fights everywhere about these things, on the subway, walking home from school and even at lunch. This is shocking. She was all McCain-Palin and she said Palin was an idiot today. It's the unexpected things in life that kill you. Of course, she is still an awesome friend, whether I can argue with her or not. My idea for the school newspaper got rejected. I was going to do an article about the debate on allowing priestesses and allowing priests to get married. It involved something with being on the third wing of Catholicism or something like that. Oh-well. I can always blog about it. But then no one will read it. -Anneliese


Mom said...

Could you go back to your old background--it's really hard to read yellow on a pink background (and not just for an old person such as myself!).