Dear World,
Am I the only one who gets upset by walking down the school hallway, looking at the pictures of white baby Jesus? I mean, seriously, are those artists racist, or has the universal picture of Jesus turned white? I gave out Christmas cards today. Why the hell did Jesus have blonde hair and blue eyes? In our classroom nativity scene, Mary is blonde with red highlights! Can we please try to remember that Jesus was not white! It just kind of annoys me. A lot. I should really get a life by now.

Sometimes I think Christmas would be better without the presents. I'm going to do One Laptop Per Child this year because I have enough crap. But doesn't it seem that sometimes things turn into this argument and envy over presents? I mean, just today two of my best friends got into this huge fight because one person got another present or something like that. I also feel like a shi*ty Secret Santa because the spending limit was $15 (which I used), while my Santa got me a $25 itunes card. To me, celebrating with my family and friends is worth more than an itunes card or a box of candy. Why does the Industry have to make everything so---commercial, and fake? They're making a Spider Man Musical. To quote Debbie, "Is nothing sacred?"
But still have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you celebrate.
- Anneliese
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