
I'm Losing It!

I'm officially losing it. I was just walking Daisy and I thought I was a dinosaur, but it turned out to be a guy with a bicycle standing behind a bush. It's probably because I don't replace my contacts and I was a block away, but still, I think I'm losing it. On top of the dinosaur incident, I had a weird dream. P.F. and I were in CVS, and all the sudden, all these people came in and started shooting at us. Weird. We all survived, but then somehow we ended up on a helicopter. It's probably because I have that trailer for that stupid movie 2012 in my head. Didn't the same people think the world was going to end in 2000? I'm dealing with the break up of one of my best friends and a best guy friend, so it's not a very happy day. Blog later! -Anneliese