
The New Bookbag Arrived!

My new book bag came from L.L. Bean today, and it's already filled up with all my supplies I got from Target. I actually did not get school supplies at last minute this year. When you do that, you get stuck with all the cruddy supplies. They give us supply packages at school, which really stink because you are forced to pay for them and they fall apart after the first month of school. You are much better off buying nice, colorful supplies at Staples that will last and storing the cruddy supplies in your room for emergencies. Gabriel had a Pizza Party at a local kiddie museum, so I was stuck in the museum for about on hour. I pretty much walked around in circles, chatting with Julia. I must have walked around 10 times. People were looking at me, like I was crazy or something, so I took a seat in the mini-theater, where they were showing a video about molecules, and texted my friend Nicky. Why did his phone have to die? WHY!? After an hour of pure boredom and torture, I was able to go home and work on Watership Down. Hallelujah! - Anneliese I didn't know what picture to put up, so I put a picture of my dog Daisy.