
Oma Figured Out How to Use Tofu

Of course, the weird Internet-problem thing is only on my computer, so I'll just have to use my Mom's laptop for now.
I got past the halfway point of Watership Down! I can't wait till it's over! Part of the book report is to "write a 1 page well-constructed review of the book.", which should be fun. The bunnies were attacked by farmers and it described how all the corpses were laying on the floor. What great summer reading.
Today, Oma finally figured out how to use tofu. She can't pronounce tofu, she pronounces it more as a to-far, or too-fur. I had to show her that all you have to do is cut it up and throw it into the stir fry. I think Oma was very proud of herself.
Daisy is on the road to good health. She's lost 3 1/2 pounds and is losing more. I force her to walk 10 blocks a day now, and I make sure Oma doesn't over-feed her. Don't worry PETA, I'm giving her enough water. PETA's officially after me. I am the worst vegetarian ever. I didn't know those bagel bites had peperoni! (Even though that was 2 year agos.)
22 more days of summer left. About 3 weeks, a little more. I'm almost done with all my summer homework, and once it's done with I will be dying for something to do, especially with no Internet. No internet = No AIM. And since all my friends are away, No AIM= Nobody to talk to. Ok, that's an exaggeration. Maybe 5 or 6 of my friends are around, but it's not the same as having the whole crew.
I don't really know what to blog about. I had a major headache last night, and I woke up at 11:30. Then I had breakfast, listened to music, read Watership Down, watched the Daily Show, read Watership Down, walked home with my mom from the train station, read Watership Down, did SHSAT work with my tutor and now I'm blogging. Having no Internet really does stink. I would be on buddy chat with 10 of my friends right now, or setting up a time to hang out with someone tomorrow. Almost all communication has been cut off from me!
I did see Blue Man Group last night. So many strobe lights! I went with my cousins who have come over from Germany. They speak English well, but if we went to a musical they would probably have a hard time understanding the lyrics. It was very funny, and it was interactive. I was scared they were going to pick on me to do the twinkie segment. Gelatin!
I guess I'll log off for tonight, hopefully I'll go on tomorrow.
- Anneliese


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