
The Final Blog of the Summer

Summer, where have you gone? I guess you are going to be over in a few hours. And a few hours after that, I will meet my friends and we will proudly march to our last year together. I've been with these guys for years, and in 9 months it will be time for us to split up. How depressing. But I guess life goes on, and there is always facebook. Today we went to get ice cream, which was great because I'm not going to eat processed food during the school year! Yes, you heard me right! No more crap, I'm a 13 year old liberal vegetarian and I can fend for myself! Today, we actually didn't get yelled at. We got a compliment. We were walking down the street and this lady was like "You girls look beautiful!". We politely said "thank you", but were looking at each other like "O.K. then." Finally, we sat on Lindsay's porch and talked about how horrible it is that it is our last year together. And after I'm done putting on some clear nail polish, I'll hop into bed and say "au revior.". Did I spell that right? I was trying to post my blog about chef camp but it doesn't seem to be working! Anyway, I'll get it up as fast as I can. I am psyched. Obama is giving his speech about the reform tomorrow night. Please let it pass, God! I will watch that speech tomorrow with a bowl of popcorn and a stress ball. I won a stress ball at some German party once. It has a snapped pencil on it. My friend Romy is like "Why do you even care?". Because I love politics because it gives me something to worry about during my very dull life. And I just love rooting for things I truly believe in. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something relevant. I miss my friends from camp. Hi Dan! Hi Cheyenne! Hi Kevin! Hi Eduardo! Hi Amy! Are you reading this? Hi! Well, I am going to be up late. I have to shampoo my hair a few times, make sure my uniform fits and some other crap. I have to remove nail polish. In my school, girls can't wear nail polish but boys can pierce their ears. Am I the only one who thinks there is something screwy with that? So I have to put on clear polish, and keep my nails super short for piano. Anyway, back to the whole no-processed-food thing. I was talking to Dan on facebook and he's like "what's processed food?". It means no meat, or factory made food. I'm going to make pretty much everything from scratch, including bread. I'm going to learn how to scramble eggs and do all sorts of stuff! No candy. The only thing is LUNA bars, that's the outlier. I think that's my new favorite word, after reading that really horrible book. It had the word 100 times! And I can share stupid things I did while making an attempt to cook! - Anneliese


Lindsay said...

you dont know how to scramble eggs? I can teach u! its actually really easy. And good for u! No more junk...i would do that but seriously...THATS INSANITY WOMAN! g2g get ready 4 school 2mro...YEA! (I love school now!)

"Less" Lindsay :p said...

BTW i should leave u more comments! BTW I LOVE UR BLOG! I WANT 1! HOW DO I MAKE IT????

Mom said...

hey chickie--

meat is not necessarily processed--some are-- cold cuts/hot dogs-- other types are not-- i.e., plain chicken, beef-- none are vegetarian, though :)