
I'm Going to Collapse

Today was extremely stressful. First, I woke up late. Like, an hour late! I woke up at 6:00! Then I had to take a shower and make breakfast and lunch. Then I ran to school, (but somehow was ten minutes early), in which I had to carry a 60-pound book-bag up five flights of stairs five times. Then I had to run home so I could wash yogurt out of my hair, since the 6th graders thought it would be fun to throw yogurt at the 8th Graders. Then, of course, Opa forgot to come to open the door so I could get ready, finish my homework and walk over to the library, and I was locked out of my house for a 1/2 hour. Once Opa came I had to finish an hour's worth of homework in 20 minutes, wash yogurt out of my hair, get dressed and run to the library. Of course my cell was off and I was a 1/2 hour early, so I stopped by Tante Christa's to get a glass off water. I got to the library on time, but both the kids I was tutoring had to leave a half hour early. Then I had to run home, but there was a change of plans so I had to eat at Tante Christa's. The whole time I was thinking "Spanish Test, Spanish Test, Spanish Test, Math Quiz!". When I got home I took a break and studied Spanish and Math. Then I had to practice piano, finish some test prep, only to get yelled at by my mom for not doing enough work. I missed the VMA'S! I know, I'm a terrible person. But I did watch Kanye diss Taylor Swift on YouTube. What an a-hole! - Anneliese


Mom said...

And managed to watch lots of stuff on my computer! Amazing!