
Drama Already? It's a New Record!

The 3rd day of school is over. In 3 hours, we managed to tell about 20 inappropriate jokes, review 7th grade grammar, go to an assembly and have our first Social Studies class. It's the 3rd day, and drama has already begun. Two of my friends are already fighting and now our teacher is trying to help. Usually this only happens a few weeks into the year! Social Studies is going to be awesome because we are finally learning about relatively modern history (I can't stand America in colonial times! Don't know why, I just find it so boring), which includes the 60's, Bill Clinton, feminism and even a passage about Michael Jordan! To top it off, we have a great teacher and I have awesome people who sit by me. Julia is across from me, Nicky is next to her, and Diamari is next to me. It is going to be so much fun! But Nicky, please stop stealing my pens. Well, we got out at 11:30. Then I walked over with Tante Christa to Tante Carol's to see her new apartment. Tante Christa made me wear a sweater, her sweater, which was way too big and made me look overweight. And I didn't want to wear my school shoes so I ended up with an old pair of Tante Christa' shoes which were still too big. We had to run, because at 2:30 we had to go pick up Max and Klara. After checking out the apartment (which was awesome) , we went to go get pizza. I got to play the-pick-the-pepperoni-off-the-pizza game. Then I went home, took a nap ( I wake up at 5:00, and it's the 3rd day! In summer, I woke up at 9:00, and I was really tired.), and of course my phone died and my alarm didn't ring. Three hours later, Mom came in and started yelling "WHAT! You didn't do any of your SHSAT work yet!?". But we had to go to Oma's for dinner, and with Max, Klara and Gabriel, it was like the circus. A very long, 3 hour circus. So for the past two hours I've been doing question after question of math that is way beyond my level (even though I got most of it right. Shock to me too.). I hate my stupid out-dated cell phone! Obama's speech was awesome! It was well-written and he spoke so well. The republican senators got served! They looked nervous. And my favorite part was the guy who started screaming "You liarrr!" and held up that stupid poster. I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats! If you didn't see the speech, I recommend you YouTube it now! Of course, Tivo didn't record the last 3 minutes of it. Off to bed, only to wake up early and do more SHSAT work tomorrow. My Mom's like, it will pay off, you just have to work your a*s off now. As much as I want to go to Stuy, won't the work only really pay off when I graduate? Because after I work my a*s off now I have to work my a*s off for four my years if I get in! -Anneliese


Dr. Linda Shookster said...

Then you'll have to work your a*s off in college and then possibly, in grad school. Then at a job!!!