
20 Things I Am Truly Thankful For

    Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Not only does that mean a ginormous family get together. It also means 2 extra days off from school! :) . Okay, maybe that isn't so great because we have to cram 5 days worth of assignments and tests into 3 days. But in celebration of Thanksgiving, here are 20 things I am grateful for. There are more, but these are what I thought of right now.

20 Things I am Truly Grateful For

 (1) My awesome, crazy, German, Irish, supposedly French (according to my Grandma who thinks I have a boyfriend named Ricky who plays acoustic guitar and doesn't exist. Apparently she misunderstood something, but now all my relatives in Ireland think I have a boyfriend.), Buddhist, Catholic, and way to the leffftt family.

(2) All my friends! Gay, Straight, Bisexual, African-American, White, , Asian, Hispanic, Conservative, Liberal and Moderate and Unclassified friends!!!

(3) The SHSAT and the TACHS are over!

(4) The next trimester in 8th grade is focusing on things I truly enjoy learning about! Political Reform, Creative Writing and Volcanoes!

(5) Barack Obama is President!And John McCain isn't!

(6) My I-Pod still has 2.3 GB free!

(7) Sarah Plain and Bill Hannity and other Itchbays for showing me exactly what I do not want to be, look or act like when I'm older ever!

(8) Exclamation Points!

(9) Going to Germany and meeting all sorts of relatives I never knew!

(10) Soundtracks for HAIR, Glee, and Avenue Q!

(11) An excellent season of South Park!

(12) Waking up to the Daily Show every morning!

(13) I have a house, I have shelter, and I have food!

(14) The kids I get to tutor at my local library's Reading Buddies program for teaching me more about life than I'm teaching them about English!

(15) All my teachers! Piano, School, German, guys all rock!

(16) Feminism!

(17) Flowers!

(18) Sunshine!

(19) The First Amendment Right to free speech!

(20) I'm alive!
