
Sexism in the Classroom

  " It seems to be the truth. Because teachers believe girls are better behaved in the classroom, they treat the male gender unequally."
         - My Very Sexist Friend

    Let us take a look at this statement. It seems to be anti-sexist, correct? But look even closer. No Sabrina, this is not a pop up. 
   Once Hillary was off the ballot and Obama was made the official Democratic nominee, Sarah Palin became McCain's running mate. But was there really a lot of value in a person who was the governor of a small town in Alaska? No. My opinion is that McCain chose Palin because once a woman was off the Democratic ballot, all the Democratic females would come running to a Republican female. All of the sudden, sexism became a major issue in the debates. It seemed as if some people were pushing the idea that Hillary and Sarah were equal, that it didn't matter the politics, that it just mattered that a woman was in the White House. I , for one, would love to have a woman in  the White House. But I do not want Sarah Palin in the White House, because even though I'm a woman, I think she's inexperienced and her political views are contradictory and messed up.

  See! People are not treating each other as different people, but as different genders. The classroom was split up in the corners of my friend's mind into female and male instead of talkative and quiet. This is hidden sexism! 

          If you truly believe in gender equality in the classroom, you wouldn't  believe that the males are being treated unequally, you would believe that people who are rather talkative are treated unequally.

    There is only one thing we have to do to achieve gender equality. We can't point fingers at people. In order to achieve gender equality, we have to realize all people as PEOPLE, not as female and male, as if they were two completely different things. We are all the same species, the same human race!

   If you still don't know the difference between a male and a female, go ask your parents to have the "birds and the bees" talk with you, because beside that difference, there really aren't that many.

     So stop paying males more than females, because they are both equally human! 
     And my very sexist friend, stop splitting up the classroom into male and female, because both are equally chatty!

That was just something I wanted to talk about today.

Equal Rights For All People!!!!!!!

Anyway,  have a happy Thanksgiving!
