
Neurotic Sparkles

          5 more days. 5 more days. 5 more days. 5 more days. Right after I finish the test, I get to go to Modern Dance and do sparkles! They will be the most neurotic sparkles on the face of the earth. The SHSAT will either be (a) really easy or (b) extremely hard. Catholic school math. Why? Why can't we have math that' s just as good as the public schools? Maybe there's like this whole big conspiracy theory.... or I'm just finding things to blame because I feel totally unprepared even though I've been taking classes since last January!

5 minutes later

I will murder those Scrambled Paragraphs! And reading will be so easy! And maybe the math will be challenging, but I've got 2 1/2 hours, right? I can do this!!!

What is it with confidence? How come one minute you can feel great and then the next second you feel like it's the end of the world? I've noticed that when I think I do great on something I do horribly and when I feel I did horribly on something I did great. Is this a personality disorder? Can someone diagnose this?

I know I've been shirking on my responsibilities as a writer. It's just all this SHSAT stuff and all these auditions and this giant sea of homework because it's the first trimester of 8th grade and the only one that counts has driven me crazy. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of hopelessness. And then I do stupid things like listen to my i-pod for twenty minutes.

There will be a Party Favor sleepover when this is over.

- Anneliese





Mom said...

just do your best, chickie-- you'll be fine!