
Random Thoughts from My Head

   Before I start pouring out some random thoughts, please, remember to donate to the Red Cross or help Haiti. There was another earthquake today, and there are so many people who need help.

    President Obama's one year anniversary, Justin Bieber would make a pretty girl, math test tomorrow, Hair hair hair hhhair, Open House, My calculator is blue, Petra Kelly:Fighting For Hope, I'll march my band out, I'm part French as of yesterday, I'll beat my drum, please let it be high school already, and if I'm fanned out, I have a science presentation on the Big Bang tomorrow, your turn at bat sir, my throat hurts, at least I didn't fake it, I need to read my horoscope, hat sir, why am I writing this, at least I didn't fake it, Julia's birthday is Sunday, guess I didn't make it, how can I hit a high b flat, nobody, I have to feed Pumpkin, no nobody, ski trip friday, is gonna, Veggie Burger, rain on my, I have to learn that monologue crap, Parade!




Mom said...

very cute post :)