
Can't We Just All Get Along?

This health care thing has been on the Daily Show for quite some time now. If I hear another person saying Obama is going to kill their grandparents or I'm going to have to stand in front of a death panel or tell the government how I'm going to die, I'm going to get on a plane and move to France. Can't we just all get along for once? Can't we stop being selfish and just let everyone have health-care? I'm going to puke out my intestines if I hear Sarah Palin praise Jesus again. It's time to start acting like Jesus, not make up lies about death panels. Maybe we will have to give a little more money to the government than we want, but isn't it time we start helping each other instead of being thick-headed ,cheap idiots? It's not like the government is going to take away your health care you already have! You don't have to use the public option if you don't want to. Obama just wants to help those who can't afford to have health care! It's time we start to pay a little more and start to help each other! I know those who say they shouldn't have to pay for someone else's health care and it's their money and those people should work for it themselves, but it is time we realize not everyone has the same opportunities as everyone else. Not everyone can go to college and grad school and get a wonderfully paying job! Call it "socialist", give it the names you want! Because deep inside, you must know helping each other, even if it is partly at the upper class's expense, is the righteous thing to do. This is the Christ-like thing to do, all you pro-life republicans! WWJD? He would help those who need help! He even said for the rich to give most of what they have to the poor! It is time for America to stop making excuses! It is time for us to help each other and clean up the mess we made! Would it really hurt you to give a little money to those who need it? Health care is important, but to many it isn't affordable. I know that no one really reads this blog, but I wish everyone would! I wish I could scream "Wake Up America!". The righteous thing to do is right at our fingertips, but because of thick-headed and selfish beliefs and because of misinformation, it will slip right out of our hands! I would be willing to give up one less shopping trip with my friends to give health care! Is what you would spend that little amount of money on that would go out to those who need health care if the bill was passed worth more than the health of those people. Do you think you are that more important than the person who would need to public option.If you said yes to either of those questions , I think it is really time you examine yourself as a person. - Anneliese