I hung out with Lindz, Romy, Sabby and Nicky today. You all have heard about Lindz, Romy and Sabby but I don't think you have ever heard of Nicky. Nicky has been one of my guy friends since 3rd grade, but you have to understand, he is one of those people who would see a burning building and say "Hey guys, let's go check it out!" Of course, he thought it would be super fun to poke the cicada outside the ice cream bar. He found a sock on the street and threw it at the cicada. The cicada hopped back at him and everyone went screaming. I ran into a tree. Then he started poking us, which got on Sabby's nerves. Before you know it, they were chasing each other all around. Romy, Lindz and I were bored so we started acting like valley girls, really loudly. People from the ice cream bar and the restaurant next to it were looking at us, like "could we shut up so we can eat our dinner.".
I love my friends, but it's true, they are very loud. We were in a perfume store, and Lindz sprayed this really horrid smelling sweet-pea perfume all over everyone. It was way too sweet, I can still smell it thinking about it now. So, we kind of screamed "Ewww" really loudly. Then this lady came up to us and asked us "Are dogs allowed in this store?". At first we thought she was actually asking us, so we were looking at each other thinking "how are we supposed to know?" Then the lady screams "What do you think this is? A zoo!". But she had a really weird accent. I find unfunny things funny, so I giggled. We walked away and looked at other perfumes. Itchbay. Same thing happened at Barnes and Nobles. This lady who worked there and obviously didn't find Sabby's camel-store joke funny dumped a bunch of crud near us when the manager was walking by. Of course he didn't see that she left the pile of stuff there and he said "Ladies, remember to to clean up after yourselves.". Thankfully, I think the guy saw us volunteering at a fundraiser there before, so he didn't get too mad. But I think sometimes people forget what it's like to be a teenager. Or my friends are just abnormally loud.
Only 60 more pages of Watership Down. The never-ending book has come to an end. I will have to watch what I say when I'm writing my review of the book. We are supposed to write a paragraph, but I have a lot more to write than just 5 sentences.
I know my rant yesterday was totally random, but I had to do it. I couldn't take the death panel thing anymore. Sorry to those who may have found the topic "boring", or got offended. I know it isn't what you really expect a 13 year old to say, but I did warn you with the title of my blog. And just because I'm 13 doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.
Romy got really ticked at Sabby today. Sabby isn't a fan of classic music. I don't mean Beethoven, I mean the Beatles and all that jazz. So Blondie is playing and Sabby says "Shut this crap off!". Romy looks at her.
"It's Blondie!"
"I don't care! I can't even understand what she's saying!"
"Do you even know what song it is?"
" What a stupid title."
And the war of music ensues.
Another highlight of today, we got fondue. It was great, except for the fact we got it all over Romy's iphone. We all chipped in 4 dollars and we were able to buy a pot of chocolate fondue. It was so good. And I got bubble tea! Of course, we got the fondue all over the place, and I drowned my banana and strawberry. All the furniture was white, and we were doing our best to clean it off. Then Lindz got all ticked off because chocolate got on her phone. We should have gone and got a slice of pizza, but then again, chocolate rocks. How my friends and I all make first honors, I really don't know. I can ace a math test, but I can't handle fondue. Imagine what would happen if I become a scientist and I have to handle acid!
I am psyched for school. I heard 8th grade is supposed to be super-easy after you take the high-school entrance exams. You can sit there and do nothing, or you can get easy A's because you are just reviewing stuff from past grades. So no work. No tests. This can only mean one thing. We can finally have a sleepover! 7th grade was so busy. We had 3 hours of homework, at least 2 tests and one quiz every week, an essay at least three times a month and hours of community service for confirmation. And that means 20 pound book bags! Everyone was so busy we never had time to hang out. It really stunk because 7th grade is over now, we didn't hang out much, and this is our last year to hang out. I mean, we can still hang out when we are in high school, but we will probably make all these new friends and be involved in so many different things we won't see each other as much as we did before. It really stinks, but I guess life goes on. And maybe I will have at least one or two of my friends go to the same high school as me. And thank God for twitter and facebook and aol and all that stuff. We will never lose contact of each other. Hopefully.
I have been getting some questions lately about the novel I'm writing. Okay, one question from Paul. I am writing a novel. It has been taking years because I always change the plot the year after the year I rewrite it. But I am determined to finish it this year! I don't want to reveal anything because I don't want people to steal my idea, but it is about the lives of a few friends who go to a boarding school. I've been coming up with great ideas, and wrote about 50 pages. And when I post something up to the public, I will finish it. So get this you 2 or 3 readers, I WILL FINISH MY NOVEL THIS YEAR!
I want to go steal the T.V. from my mom. She's watching something fashion-design. I don't get it. She's always watching cooking shows or fashion shows on Bravo, but she isn't into fashion or cooking! One day I will understand. Or maybe not.
- Anneliese
(I just walked into the living room. To be specific, it is Project Runway. Or Runaway. However you spell it. I'm not very into fashion anyway! Fur is not cool! Did I redeem myself, PETA?)
So, about the comment my mom made on my blog last night. (If you didn't see it you should check it out). Just because we were acting like our age doesn't mean that lady had to come up and say we acted like dogs, just like you can't complain about something someone said about you and talk behind their backs because then you are just doing the same thing. Anyway, I don't see why people find kids having fun so annoying. Can't everyone just remember we are kids, lay loose and be happy for once instead of being annoyed? And you won't do anything if you tell a teenager to shut up. They'll just get all annoyed and blog about it, and it will make them want to annoy you even more. (And Barnes and Nobles is the teen hangout in our neighborhood. There are certain "spots" where you can sit and have Starbucks where no one ever comes in. You can sit in the realistic teen book section, Theatrical Arts (where we were sitting), and music. No one ever comes through.) Back to the bold text. Seriously, why can't people just be nice and not get so easily offended. If it was a library, or a spa or a place that is supposed to be quiet, I could understand. If someone annoys you it doesn't give you the right to annoy them back. The itchbay was purposely trying to ignore us, but we didn't know we were annoying her.
Nicky and the Cicada/ A Lady Disses Us in a Perfume Store
Posted by Anneliese at Thursday, August 20, 2009
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Please reconsider your and your friends' behavior, daughter dearest-- imagine if our family was at the restaurant trying to enjoy our dinner, or if you were the owner of a shop trying to keep it a peaceful environment for her customers or an employee of at Barnes & Noble trying to do your job-- when you are confronted by a bunch of unruly, loud teenagers-- not good.
Ah, what a fun day. Scary cicada though, Nicky wouldn't stop throwing stuff at it!
How can someone hate the Beatles, and not know who the Clash or Ramones are? Horrible.
Lindsay: heyyyyyy yea the cicada story wass hilarious and i hope something like that (all of us bein 2gether) will happen again! Move aside! Im an 8th grader!
Romy: And more ranting on the whole music wars thing: YOU were the one who didn't like the Clash! YOU were the one who said Joe Strummer's voice cracked! IT DIDN'T. And fyi, Joe Strummer is lead singer of the Clash, but you wouldn't know that because YOUR A HATER! SHUUUUUN! haha. :)
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