My little brother is at camp, Dad's at work, Oma and Opa are upstate, so I'm stuck hanging out at my mom's law firm. Hooray. It really sucks. You can't log into facebook or AIM unless you hack it because of stupid SonicWALL, but I don't want to get my mom in trouble. Here I am, stuck here with a copy of Watership Down (which I have to read for school) and a math workbook. But there is an upside to all of this. The cafeteria has this great machine where you put in these little packets and it makes a drink. No, it's not just a coffee maker (You can see a picture of it on the left. I didn't take that picture, I found it on google, but that's what it looks like). First, you go through a menu of drinks, which has categories of chocolate, coffee, tea and well-being. I'm somewhat of a chocoholic, so of course, I ordered a Snickers chocochino. Yes, a chocochino (even though I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong). I've been here since 10:00 and I've already had three of them.
Personally, I think I look like I'm 10 years old. So does Party Favor. But for some reason, people around here think I'm an actual lawyer, since I am sitting at my mom's friend's desk. They keep on delivering me documents and calling me. Maybe I have a lawyer look or something. But all these people are wearing work clothes and I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
When I came back from Germany, I was wearing a Georgetown sweatshirt and the man checking my passport asked me if I had graduated from law school there. So apparently, I look like a 10 year old lawyer.
But I won't be bored tomorrow because I'm going to see Adam Lambert on the American Idol Tour! YAY! He might be my favorite idol contestant of all time. I loved Ring of Fire, Mad World and almost every performance. I heard he's preforming Fame, so I'm super-excited. Then again, I have to sit through the performances of Kris Allen and Danny Gokey. :-P
Talking about entertainment, I recently saw Orphan. That might have been the funniest movie ever. I don't know why I find Horror Movies hysterically funny, but it's probably because they can be so cheesy. My favorite part is when she rips out her hair and starts screaming since some girl destroys her old bible. I was laughing so hard. I always find these movies funny. When P.F. was watching Halloween I was laughing with Anna and making stupid comments while Lindz was almost having one of her panic attacks and Romy was blasting her i-pod so she couldn't hear anything. I also saw Julie and Julia, which made me really hungry, since I went with my friend Bridge at 1:00 and didn't have lunch and barely any breakfast.
I'm so bored I went onto some writer's block idea page, and it told me to write about religion, so here I go. To be honest, I have no idea what my true religion is. I was baptized as a Roman Catholic, I go to a Catholic school and I go to a Roman Catholic Church, but I have many beliefs that aren't very, well...Roman Catholic. First off, I'm pro-choice. I know that the issue of abortion is one of the major issues of the church, and the church is very pro-life. But I just don't feel I can deny someone their choice, and I have some other reasons, but I don't want to go too far into that in this blog. Next, I don't believe there is a hell. I think God may give some sort of punishment if we do something wrong, but if he loves us unconditionally, why would he throw us into some flaming pit of fire with the devil? I also believe in evolution. I don't take the Bible super-literally. I believe in Jesus and the New Testament completely , but I also believe a lot of the verses in the Old Testament are stories created to teach us a lesson. In my heart, I will always be a Catholic, but I wonder what religion my beliefs completely go along with. Maybe they don't go along with any religion completely. But as I said before, in my heart, I will always be a Catholic.
Back from lunch. I went to a lovely Scandinavian restaurant where I had a nice omelet. I think people finally figured out I'm not a paralegal since someone saw me walking around with my i-pod. Now I bet their wondering "Who the hell is that wierd kid walking around?".
I'm very excited to go see my friend in the Pajama Game this weekend. It's a local community theater play thingy, so I really don't know what to expect. Of course my super-talented friend only got one line. So either there are super-super talented people playing the leads or they decided my friend was too short to play a lead.
Finally time to leave the office. HOORAY!
- Anneliese
Haha very funny anneliese u know how i am bout hese things! I cant controll them!
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