
The Pajama Game

Just came back from the Pajama Game. It was excellent and my friend did a great job with her one line. Anyway, I am very proud of myself. I convinced myself to read up to page 130 in Watership Down. It's a miracle! I've been at my Aunt's house all day and it was too late at night to blog about the Idol concert, so I'll have to do it now. We had seats that were pretty close to the stage, which were great. There were 5 ladies in back of us who were all Adam fans. They got so drunk they were screaming "We love you Adam!" during Kris's performance. All these middle-age female Adam supporters got so drunk, and of course we they had to be right in back of us. It was a pretty good concert, but I was just counting down till Adam. It seemed like he had more stage time then Kris. Whenever a picture of Adam came up on screen, everyone screamed. But they didn't scream when pictures of Kris came up. Then, when Kris was coming up on stage, all the tweenies screamed so loudly, and it was so high-pitched I thought my ears were going to burst. Anyway,enough about tweenie hate, back to the performances. My top 3 were Adam ( no duh), Allison, and believe it or not, Scott. He was actually really good! (Except the goodness was kind of ruined for me when this drunk guy started screaming "Watch out for the edge!" and "Don't fall off the stage!". Idiot.)When Adam was about to come on, all the drunk ladies went crazy. My mom did too. It was really embarrassing. She kept on screaming and shouting "Adammm!" Of course, he was great and it was so theatrical I felt like I was watching a Broadway show, and I lovee Broadway shows. "Mad World" was so great. When he started singing "Fame, Fame, Fame!" more middle-aged women started throwing their underwear on stage. Adam kicked a bra off the stage but this woman threw it back at him. It was pretty funny. "Slow Ride" was great but it could not beat "Mad World". They used all the special effects on Adam. It was strobe-light mania. When Kris came on I was pretty ticked. Adam's solos were over! NOOO! At least Kris did "Hey Jude" which wasn't that bad. Finally, the group did "Don't Stop Believn'", which is a P.F. signature song, so I was singing and dancing along. When the lights came up I was in a state of shock. I had been almost 40 feet away from Adam Lambert! Well, that pretty sums it up for today. If you read my blog (even though I probably have approximately 4 readers, my friend Linda, my Mom, my friend Romy and maybe one or two people) please drop a comment or follow my blog. I would really appreciate knowing I actually have readers. -Anneliese