Doesn't it seem like the world needs more creative space? I don't know. Everything seems so industrial at times. Am I the only person who actually likes graffiti? I think it looks pretty cool. It just lights everything up. I don't do graffiti, but I like looking at it when I drive into the city. Sometimes it just looks like everyone wears black. Is wearing color unprofessional?
That's why I like my blog; I can do what ever I freaking want to it! I can say what I want, and if anyone wants to read or comment, feel free to. Some people think blogs are kind of dorky, but I don't get what's so dorky about putting your ideas out into the world. Wouldn't it be dorky to just keep them locked up inside? You just have to let your creativity floowww.
I brought this up because I was having a conversation about this with my piano teacher Tuesday. I wanted to change some classical music, you know, just connect some notes or put more of a build on it. But my piano teacher refuses to let me change the music. She has a point when she says it's ancient literature and you have to respect it, but I like putting my touch on music. It's my expression, right? But it's alright. I have my own music and some show tunes I can change. My musical goal is to be able to accompany myself as well as Lady Gaga by the end of the year. It'll be hard, but with practice, I think it could happen.
Anyway, happy Tofurkey Day everyone! It's the kick off of the holiday season! I love the holidays. They can be so commercial and everything, but you just have to look behind all the flashing lights. I like walking home in crisp, fresh air. I like how the world looks when everything is covered in snow. I like having hot chocolate with my friends. I like laughing during Secret Santa in school. Screw the presents. The holidays would still be awesome without them. Maybe even better.
- Anneliese
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